Idea is infinite, let's explore into infinity

Nobody in IT should ever say, “You’re my customer and my job is to make sure you’re satisfied,” or ask, “What do you want me to do?”

Instead, they should say, “My job is to help you and the company succeed,” followed by “Show me how you do things now,” and “Let’s figure out a better way of getting this done.”

Keluhan is a Good Thing. That’s what i said to special someone last “late” nite. Kebanyakan orang pasti beranggapan sebaliknya, bahkan menentang habis pendapat saya ini. Kebanyakan orang pasti berkata, semakin banyak keluhan diterima, maka semakin banyak pula kesusahan yang akan kita dapatkan. Keluhan selalu menjadi momok buruk, semakin sedikit keluhan maka semakin baik pula […]

What does this 5 word have in common : Hope – Faith – Peace – Love – Believe If your answer is nothing,…. then think again, are you human or are you a robot? For me, the similarity in those 5 words are : Human. Without Hope, we human can no longer exist. Why? Because […]

Categories: quotes | 23,441 Comments

Kayla Silverfox: Why the moon is so lonely? Logan: Why? Kayla Silverfox: Because she used to have a lover. His name was Kuekuatsu and they lived in the spirit world together. And every night, they would wander the skies together. But, one of the other spirits was jealous. Trickster wanted the Moon for himself. So […]

Categories: curhat | 24,113 Comments

I just hear a song last night. It’s kind of a rare moment, i heard it for the first time and i love that song in that instance. It have happen before with Fall For You and Your Call from Second Hand Serenade and I Do from Rain. Well, anyway, the song that i heard […]

Categories: Su.PR | 15,066 Comments… people told me, there are normal people. Where are they? Divorce because of 9/11 incident… The real Barney Inspiration : Architecture | Cerium’s blog Spacious Architecture Book — Ignore Everybody | Gapingvoid The more ori gi nal your idea is, the less good advice other peo ple will be able to give you […]